Warm, Friendly & Professional 029 2070 5282

The Waverley Care Centre

warm, friendly and professional

At the Waverley we know that little things make all the difference to our lives - a smiling face in the morning, a trip outside when the sun is shining, staff who have time to stop and chat. In short, a home where we go the extra mile to ensure the comfort and happiness of our residents.

Choosing a care home is one of the most difficult decisions you ever have to make. Come and see for yourself whether the Waverley can provide the care, the environment, the safety and the security to give you and your family peace of mind.

Pop in for a visit without appointment anytime, call us, or use contact form below.

 Tel: 029 20705282  |  029 20707136

 To receive a brochure pack or for any other enquiry contact us now!